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제목 Extension of Stay by Authority for Registered Foreign Nationals and F-4 Residents
작성자 HiKorea
첨부 hwp 파일 체류외국인 직권연장 안내문(영문).hwp
pdf 파일 체류외국인 직권연장 안내문(영문).pdf

In accordance with the nation’s enhanced social distancing guidelines, Periods of Stay of registered foreign nationals and Overseas Korean residents (F-4) will be extended by authority as specified below to prevent further spread of COVID-19 by minimizing in-person visits to Immigration Offices amid resurgence of COVID-19 infections.


In line with this, using e-Application services on the HiKorea website ( for Extension of Stay, report and other civil affairs is highly recommended to reduce in-person visits to jurisdictional immigration offices until the current situation is stabilized.


For further detailed information, call Immigration Contact Center at 1345 (without area code).