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제목 Full Implementation of Online Re-entry Permit System
작성자 HiKorea
첨부 hwp 파일 201007 재입국허가 전면 온라인제 시행 하이코리아 안내문_영문번역.hwp

[Full Implementation of Online Re-entry Permit System]

- To strengthen immigration for long-term foreign residents amid COVID-19 pandemic -


▪ In order to alleviate incovenience of making walk-in applications at immigration offices under the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, as well as to prevent the spread of the infectious disease by reducing crowdedness at civil petition windows.


▪ Application for Re-entry Permit is available only through Online starting October 12 (Mon.), 2020.



【 Main contents 】


• Those subject to the measure : All applicants for Re-entry Permit should make online applications on the HiKorea website. • Exceptions : Persons who need to leave